British Acupuncture Federation Article

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Last week I had an article published on the British Acupuncture Federation website.  I am a member of BAF and so it was an honour to be asked to write an article for them.  Of course it had to be about fertility and I wanted to write it for other practitioners so they get an understanding about what it is like to work with fertility as an acupuncturist.

It is a very emotional job I find because although as a professional practitioner you should keep yourself at a distance from your patients I find that can be hard to do when dealing with such emotive issues.  I do sometimes let myself get affected by their stories and by their emotional state on the day, but I guess that is why people come to me because I understand and feel their pain.  I am not a councellor but I do find that talking about the issues surrounding fertility does really help patients.


If you would like to read the article click HERE