Entries by PaulaEnPointe

Fertility Acupuncture in the Press

  Have you seen the feature about fertility acupuncture in the local Wigan Observer? Check it out here! I’m thrilled that they wrote an article about how acupuncture can support fertility and IVF. This isn’t just a plug for my business – it’s about spreading the word on how acupuncture can benefit anyone trying to […]

Big Decision

So for around a year now I have been feeling the pressure of running a busy practice trying to be all things to everyone.  My passion for fertility has developed over the last four years and came out of nowhere really as I hadn’t anticipated focusing on just one aspect of acupuncture.  I have found […]

Food for Fertility

Food for fertility is really important when starting to consider having a family. When you come to see me for fertility support you will also get advice on food for fertility that can help you. Now, I hate discussing ‘diet’ because that imediatley makes you think weight loss, chinese medicine doesn’t view food in this […]

British Acupuncture Federation Article

Last week I had an article published on the British Acupuncture Federation website.  I am a member of BAF and so it was an honour to be asked to write an article for them.  Of course it had to be about fertility and I wanted to write it for other practitioners so they get an […]

Fertility Acupuncture – The Art of Baby Making

  One of my fertility acupuncture patients recommended this book to me.  She had read this and it turned her life around from working all the hours she could in a very stressful job she had a miscarriage and realised that there was more to life than working for money. Happily she is pregnant now […]

Hello Baby

A few weeks ago this beautiful little bundle of joy arrived. I supported her mum through IVF treatment with a series of acupuncture sessions and we got the positive result we hoped for. I went to see her last week and was so happy to have a little cuddle. If you are having concerns surrounding […]

Babies Everywhere

  Over the last six months I have been so honoured to be a part of many fertility journey’s. From July to now I have had ten positive pregancies including identical twins which was something of a surpirse to everyone. I currently have five more ladies in treatment and last week this began to weigh […]

Gong Bath in Wigan

Are you looking for a Gong Bath in Wigan? I run regular gong baths in various venues around the wigan area.  Check out my page for further information on Gong Baths in Wigan A gong bath is an immersive sound experience. It’s called a ‘bath’  because sound waves ‘wash’ over you as you relax and […]

There’s No Such Thing as Infertility?

According to TCM That’s a big statment right there I know! But hear me out for a couple of minutes.  According to Traditional Chinese Medicine if you have all of the parts for fertility still intact inside your body then there is no reason why you cannot concieve. The reason is that we believe if […]


Chakra Acupuncture

Chakra Acupuncture What is chakra acupuncture?  Is it woo woo or hippy dippy stuff? It is acupuncture to balance and clear the chakras in the body by identifying blockages and imbalances, working on the organs, emotions, hormones and spirit I suppose to begin with you need to know what a chakra is, then we can […]