Chakra acupuncture

Chakra Acupuncture

What is chakra acupuncture?  Is it woo woo or hippy dippy stuff? It is acupuncture to balance and clear the chakras in the body by identifying blockages and imbalances, working on the organs, emotions, hormones and spirit

I suppose to begin with you need to know what a chakra is, then we can discuss the acupuncture. In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centres in your body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each correspond to certain nerve bundles and major organs. The chakra system refers to the energy centres we have in our bodies. There are seven major chakras, each in a specific location along your spine starting at the base or root of the spine and moving up to the crown of your head.  There are also many more energy centres or chakras in the body, some people believe up to 114. But from an acupuncture point of view all acupuncture points could be seen as chakras as they too are centres of energy in the body.

So let’s get to it, everything, and I mean everything, is made up of energy. This article explains it really well including a bit about quantum physics but don’t let that put you off, have a read to see where I am coming from.

If we accept that we are merely made up of energy then we can accept that energy flows throughout our body.  As we live our hectic day to day lives with all of the stresses and influences that brings then it can make sense that we can get blockages, stagnation and imbalances in these flows of energy? Where blockages etc. begin to happen then we can get ailments such as illness and pain.  We need to be able to do something about this in our daily lives. “Movement is king” if you keep moving then disease and ultimately death find it difficult to catch up with you.  This from an energy point of view means that if you keep moving then energy won’t get blocked and unbalanced.

Let’s get back to chakras and acupuncture. If chakras are merely centres of energy, then it makes sense that they can get blocked or out of balance. The aim of using acupuncture to treat the chakras is to harmonise the flow of Qi or energy by getting rid of any blockages and imbalances within. An added bonus of chakra acupuncture is that is also works on an organ level and hormonal level by treating the endocrine system at the same time as the associated organs. On a third level it also works on the emotions and often we can get an emotional release at the time of treatment or in the next day or two. There is of course a spiritual connection to the chakras for those who believe in this therefore you can see that chakra acupuncture can help us with many levels of self healing.

The use of chakra acupuncture during treatments may not even be obvious to you. I will incorporate points into your treatment plan if I think you need this and if you are open to knowing more about it I will talk you through what I am doing and why.  You can choose to have a chakra balancing treatment as a standalone session the choice is always yours.  But by incorporating these points into a treatment you will get a very strong result where the acupuncture is facilitating you to heal and balance your own body.

Contact me if you are interested in booking a chakra balancing acupuncture session