Entries by PaulaEnPointe

Gong Bath in Wigan

Are you looking for a Gong Bath in Wigan? I run regular gong baths in various venues around the wigan area.  Check out my page for further information on Gong Baths in Wigan A gong bath is an immersive sound experience. It’s called a ‘bath’  because sound waves ‘wash’ over you as you relax and […]

There’s No Such Thing as Infertility?

According to TCM That’s a big statment right there I know! But hear me out for a couple of minutes.  According to Traditional Chinese Medicine if you have all of the parts for fertility still intact inside your body then there is no reason why you cannot concieve. The reason is that we believe if […]


Chakra Acupuncture

Chakra Acupuncture What is chakra acupuncture?  Is it woo woo or hippy dippy stuff? It is acupuncture to balance and clear the chakras in the body by identifying blockages and imbalances, working on the organs, emotions, hormones and spirit I suppose to begin with you need to know what a chakra is, then we can […]

Acupuncture for Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression can be treated with acupuncture   What is anxiety? Most people experience anxiety at some point in their life. You might experience mild symptoms when facing a challenging or stressful situation. You might also have more severe, long-lasting symptoms that impact your daily life, including: feelings of panic, fear, or worry restlessness […]

TCM and Food

TCM and Energetic Food Values What is TCM and energetic food values?  In Traditional Chinese Medicine we talk about diet not in the sense of ‘dieting’ to lose weight but from a holistic point of view with food being used as medicine to heal the body.  Now this is not in a way where we […]

Changing Lives with TCM

Over the last four years I have seen how traditional Chinese medicine can impact peoples’ lives with almost miraculous results.  I always say that acupuncture helps me to do magic every day but miracles can take a little longer.  By this I mean that if you have a chronic issue that you have lived with […]

Electro Acupuncture

Acupuncture uses very fine needles to stimulate points linked to meridians which are channels of energy that we all have in our bodies. Sometimes I will use electro acupuncture which is where a set of needles are linked to a small machine via electrodes.  A small electric current is then passed through the needles to […]

Pancake Day and the Link to TCM

Surely Pancake Day, Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday has no links to Traditional Chinese Medicine, right?  Wrong! This time of year with the emergence of spring is linked to the liver and gallbladder in TCM.  It is a time of awakening from winter where we have traditionally eaten warming foods, fatty foods and foods that […]

Gongs and Things

It’s been a while! but I have been really busy developing my skills not only with therapies but getting to grips with teaching my school classes live online. To be fair for the students that do actually bother to get online and join in the lessons its been good.  In fact I would go so […]

Covid-19 and Lockdown

It has taken me a while to decide to write this post during Covid-19 lockdown because I fear that if we give too much emphasis on something like this then it becomes very real in our lives.  I began by faithfully waiting each day for the bulletin from Boris to hear what developments were coming […]